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Donation and Gift Acceptance

Estes Park Education Foundation Policy:  Donation and Gift Acceptance 

What It Is:

  • The purpose of the Estes Park Education Foundation Donation and Gift Acceptance Policy is to provide a process for accepting donations.


Why It’s Important:

  • Private giving helps ensure the EPEF’s mission and vision to provide excellence in services offered to support the ongoing needs of students of the Estes Park Public School District. 

  • Acknowledgment of gifts made by donors allows them to have the records they need to verify their charity with the IRS. 

  • Acknowledgment of gifts can encourage more donations.

  • Donations that don’t align with the EPEF’s Mission and Vision and/or that the EPEF does not have the capacity to manage would actually deter the EPEF from advancing its Mission and Vision.


What It Entails:

  • EPEF solicits and accepts donations that are consistent with advancing its Mission and Vision.

  • The Marketing and Communication Committee will work with the Finance Committee to manage donations.

    • The Marketing and Communication Committee will focus on the solicitation.

    • The Finance Committee will focus on handling the monies.

    • Both will keep the Board informed of the status of donations.

  • Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, government agencies, or other entities, subject to the power of the gift to advance the EPEF’s Mission and Vision, and the capacity of EPEF to manage the donation without detracting from its Mission and Vision.

    • The EPEF reserves the right to accept or deny any gift. 

    • In certain unique cases, a gift may be considered inappropriate due to particular restrictions imposed by the donor, or the nature of the gift. 

  • Generally EPEF shall only accept cash, check, and electronic transfer donations, which shall be deposited into the general fund.

  • Non-Standard gifts – those for which there is no ready market to liquidate for cash or where the value of the item is difficult to ascertain or is speculative - shall generally not be accepted.

    • On occasion, the EPEF might give it consideration.  

      • Before the gift is accepted, it must first be evaluated by the Finance Committee as to the suitability of the gift in terms of advancing the EPEF’s Mission and Vision, the capacity of the EPEF to manage such a donation, and any legal issues that might be involved.

      • The Finance Committee will make its recommendations to the Board.

      • The Board will make the final decision.

    • The EPEF has the right to refuse any donation that it feels would impede instead advance its ability to pursue its Mission and Vision.

  • The Board shall determine the distribution the funds:

    • The annual budget shall allocate funds to support the Pillars:

      • Experiential Learning Opportunities - to give students knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills 

      • Innovations in Learning - to support new teaching ideas and strategies to strengthen learning 

      • Building Community - to promote a culture of seamless unity between the schools and the rest of the community to optimize learning

      • Support of District Teachers and Staff - by providing supplemental assistance as well as appreciation for the work that they do for our students

      • Student Support - to ensure that they have the resources needed to participate in public schooling and extra-curricular activities, as well as support for early childhood education and transitioning after graduation

      • Wellness - as an integral part of learning and being successful in school and life, including physical activities, youth sports, and outdoor recreation

    • Funds may be reallocated during the budget year with Board approval.

  • Donor-directed/restricted gifts may be accepted, but are not encouraged, if they advance EPEF’s Mission and Vision and are within the EPEF’s capacity to manage.

    • Those gifts will be subject to EPEF’s policies.

    • Funds designated for a specific project under a Pillar shall be transferred to the general fund to be used at the discretion of the Board if:

      • The purpose of the project no longer aligns with EPEF’s Mission and Vision.

      • The account is inactive for five (5) consecutive years with no plans to reactivate it.

      • Unless there are plans for a major expenditure, if the balance in the account exceeds two times the median expenditures for that project in the past five (5) years, the excess above the median expenditure will be transferred to the general fund.

  • Fiscal sponsored/pass-through gifts shall be considered, but not encouraged, with Board approval if they advance the Mission and Vision of EPEF and a contract can be arranged that aligns with EPEF’s legal restrictions, policies, and capacity.

    • The Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement shall be required.

  • The EPEF does not provide legal, accounting, tax, or other advice to prospective donors. 

    • Therefore, each prospective donor is urged to seek the advice of independent legal counsel in the gift planning process.

  • All donors of gifts shall be acknowledged within one (1) month of receipt in writing by the Treasurer or a designee.

Approved: 3-20-19

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Estes Park Education Foundation 

P.O. Box 4444

Estes Park, CO 80517 

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