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2024-2025 Projects

Teacher & Staff Back to School Lunch! EPEF was thrilled to bring lunch for the entire team to kick off the 24-25 school year. A big shout out to @youneedpie for providing such a delicious meal!

Thank you, teachers, for all you do! 



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Middle School Furniture! Estes Park Middle School students are heading back to school with a common space upgrade! The Estes Park Education Foundation was proud to support this new furniture to enhance the space, creating a welcoming, device-free zone for students to collaborate and converse.



2023-2024 Projects
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Bobcat Beats 2024! Check out the latest Bobcat Beats music video, featuring the incredible talents of the Bobcat Beats Percussion Ensemble and Mountain Echoes Choir, along with special guest performers!
We are so proud to sponsor this project, for the 3rd year in a row, that showcases the dedication, creativity, and hard work of 90+ amazing students from Estes Park!




Digital Cameras! We're proud to support Estes Park High School's new digital cameras! These cameras will enhance our students' learning experiences, particularly in Digital Photography, Journalism, and Yearbook classes. Thank you, Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary, for your incredible contribution to this grant!


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Caught Doing Good at EPHS! EPEF was incredibly proud to support the "Caught Doing Good" campaign at the High School!

This initiative celebrates students for their acts of kindness, such as tutoring peers who missed school, supervising students at community events, and assisting with language translation to help classmates succeed.


Scholarship Management System! Congratulations to our Estes Park High School seniors who were honored at Scholarship Awards Night!

The Estes Park Education Foundation proudly sponsors the online scholarship management system. A special shoutout to the Town of Estes Park for awarding us a Community Initiative Grant, which helped us fund this system.


5th Grade Campout! A favorite activity for those leaving the Elementary School and heading to Middle School is the 5th Grade Campout at High Peaks Camp! EPEF is so pleased we were able to help make this special event a reality for these students. Memories to cherish for years to come! 


Teacher Appreciation Campaign! This year's Teacher Appreciation Campaign was a wonderful success! Thanks to our generous community, we delivered 140 certificates to our amazing teachers and staff, and raised funds that will go directly back to supporting our teachers and staff! 

Let's continue to uplift and appreciate the incredible educators who make a difference every day!


Elementary School Art Show! Estes Park Elementary School's Art Exhibit at the Art Center of Estes Park was a huge success! 

The exhibit showcased work from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students, from weaving and watercolor to contour drawing and collage.

The Estes Park Education Foundation is proud to have helped support this exhibit with display materials. 


Go Band!: We are thrilled to have supported the Estes Park High School Band trip to California! The students played at Disney's Imagination Campus twice! From playing the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean in the pounding rain to sight-reading music and exploring iconic landmarks, they had the opportunity to learn new skills and make lasting memories.


Zearned It!: These middle school students "Zearned it"! They are proudly celebrating their mastery of skills from the Zearn math curriculum. EPEF would like to thank United Way of Larimer County for the grant that helped fund this middle school tutoring program!

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Because I Said I Would: The Superintendent Council hosted a special speaker event! Five-time TEDxTalk speaker, author, and podcast host, Alex Sheen, presented to the middle and high school students about his "BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD" movement. The talk conveyed reliability, accountability, and perseverance, and provided a unique opportunity for growth and learning. We are proud to have supported this event!

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Bobcats on the Run: EPEF proudly supports our Bobcats on the Run!

This program brings together 2nd-5th graders to exercise and build a community of leaders. Beyond running, they work on self-reflection, leadership skills, and positive self-image.


English Language Development and Reading Intervention: EPEF is happy to provide additional ELD and Reading Intervention materials (beyond the standard curriculum) to ensure ALL our students are reading at or above grade level!


Cirque du Wiener Dog: Thanks to the Estes Valley Library for their help in bringing this fantastic, educational show to the Estes Park Elementary School! EPEF was thrilled to have supported this event!


ROARS Rewards EPEF is proud to support the Middle School's ROARS program, where students receive raffle tickets for displaying Respect, Ownership, Attentiveness, Responsibility, and Safety behaviors. Each week, a few lucky students win Bobcat gear!

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Robotics: Thanks to grants from Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary and Premier Members Credit Union, EPEF helped purchase robotics kits for the elementary and middle schools to be used in the classroom and for competitions. Inspiring the next generation of technologists! 

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CHICAGO: Once again, EPHS put on an amazing musical! The Education Foundation was honored to do our small part by helping to fund the amazing costumes.

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OZOBOTS: EPEF was thrilled to fund the purchase of Ozobots for the elementary school. Students are coding the Ozobots to knock over pins they printed on a 3D printer. Just imagine where this next generation will take us!

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Exercise Learning Center: Check out the T-Wall (Interactive Touch Wall) at the Middle School! This T-Wall is a specific type of 'exergaming' technology that combines physical activity and cognitive challenges. 
This was funded by EPEF, as well as grants from the Village Thrift Shop and the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado. It really does Take a Village!


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Cat Chat Cart: Funded by EPEF and implemented by Ms. Bode's "Superintendent Council", the Cat Chat Cart serves beverages to students at all 3 schools while engaging in conversations to amplify student voices and build community.

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10th Annual Pumpkins and Pilsners 2023: Estes Park's favorite family festival! EPEF is so grateful to the sponsors, vendors, volunteers, and community members who contributed to the best Pumpkins and Pilsners event yet! All proceeds go directly back to Estes Park Schools.


Staff Welcome Back Lunch: EPEF was honored to host a Back To School lunch for all EPSD Teachers and Staff! 2023-2024 is off to a great start. 

Thanks to Poppy's restaurant for the wonderful food and generous discount! 

2022-2023 Projects
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Bobcat Beats 2023: For the 2nd year, EPEF is thrilled to have helped fund EPES Music Teacher, Mr. Paul Maley, and the Bobcat Beats Video! This year's video features  Amelia Bryant & Minor Six High School Choir performing "Everything I Wanted".


Climbing Club: With funding from EPEF, Middle School Teacher and Climbing Club Coach, Mr. Matt Siler, took several middle school students on 3 different outdoor climbing adventures! The students were instructed by professional local climbing guides. Estes Park Mountain Shop provided the gear. CLIMB ON! 


Rain Barrels: EPEF helped Ms. Erinn Wharton and her middle school students to purchase rain barrels. These rain barrels were used to collect rain water to water plants and trees planted by the students. 


Classroom Planetarium: The Sky's The Limit!

EPEF is proud to have help fund the materials for a Classroom Planetarium for Ms. Jessica Scochat's High School Astronomy class!

The objective of this project is to bring the wonder of the night sky into the classroom. 

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Aluminum Recycling: With the help of EPEF, Mr. Harris's High School CTE Sustainability class was able to purchase equipment (plus PPE) to learn how to recycle by implementing an aluminum sand casting station.


Teacher Appreciation Campaign 2023:  May 8 - 12 was National Teacher Appreciation Week! EPEF hosted a successful campaign whereby people could donate to EPEF in a valued teacher's or staff member's name. Recognized teachers received a Certificate of Appreciation. 100% of the proceeds went to the "Teacher/Staff support" pillar of EPEF Thanks to all that participated and many thanks to our incredible teachers and staff members! 

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Tubano Drums: EPES Music Teacher, Mr. Paul Maley, and a few of his students celebrate a new set of Tubano Drums, provided by a grant from EPEF. We are all excited to hear the incredible music!   



HOSA Future Health Professionals EPEF provided a grant to the HOSA Future Health Professionals Club to help provide HOSA uniforms and registration for the State Leadership Conference they attended in Denver on February 23, 2023.  EP students had a great performance in several of the competitions! Our future health is in good hands.

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Bass Trombone: EPEF would like to thank Estes Park Sunrise Rotary for their generous 2022 grant that supported the purchase of this incredible Bass Trombone for the High School Band! EPMS & EPHS Band Director, Ms. Kaylin Brennan, is excited to have this instrument as it allows both concert and jazz bands the ability to perform all parts called for in a musical piece. 


Engineering Brightness: EPES Instructional Coach, Ms. Jen Maley, helped students create lanterns which will be sent to students in Liberia to help improve light poverty. Students learned technical skills such as engineering, soldering, and 3D printing as well as teamwork and empathy as they connect with students in less developed parts of the world.

Hexagon Tiles: A great Critical Thinking tool! EPEF supplied Hexagon Tiles to Ms. Marsha Weaver's AP Human Geography class to help take concrete thinking to the next level. Using these hexagon tiles is a method for considering the connections between ideas and finding the nuances in those connections.

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Online Scholarship Management Program: Year 2 of the Online Scholarship Management Program launched in January 2023! Seniors at EPHS now have a one-stop shop to apply for applicable local scholarships that our generous community provides.  EPEF provides the funding and EPEF board members support EPHS counselors in the system design and implementation.

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Teacher and Staff Lunch: EPEF hosted a lunch at all 3 schools plus the admin building to say THANK YOU to all the EPSD teachers and staff for all they do for our students! 

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Pumpkins & Pilsners The 2022 Pumpkins & Pilsners event was a great success! Thank you Estes Park for your support!  

SAVE THE DATE!  Pumpkins and Pilsners 2023 will be held SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th in Bond Park! 

2021-2022 Projects
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Bobcat Beats Video:  Thanks to a partnership with Estes Park Sunrise Rotary, EPEF and Sunrise Rotary sponsored this video production of BOBCAT BEATS! Bobcat Beats is a musical group led by EPES Music Teacher, Mr. Paul Maley. Video released in May 2022.

Bobcat Beats Video

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CSU Cadaver Lab:  Ms. Pam Frey's Sports Medicine class had a unique opportunity to visit the CSU Cadaver Lab in April 2022. EPEF was able to fund this incredible 'hands-on' experiential learning occasion. Several of the students are considering future studies in health care.

CTE at work:  At EPEF's request and funding, the construction geometry class is designing and building a storage shed for EPEF. It will be used to store materials used for events.  Thank you students and teacher, Sarah Schmidt!

Elementary School Self-Regulation Room: EPEF funded items to help create a mindful space at the Elementary School. This provides a quiet setting for students who need time and strategies to regulate their emotions so they can return to class feeling ready to learn.

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HOSA Future Health Professionals EPEF provided a grant to the HOSA Future Health Professionals Club to help provide HOSA uniforms and registration for the State Leadership Conference they attended in Denver on February 22, 2022.  Congratulations to all the students who placed well in the competitions.  Then, with a grant from Sunrise Rotary, 2 HOSA students and their advisor were able to attend the International Conference in Tenessee. 

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The David Martin Fund for Classroom Innovation:  In honor of former EPHS teacher, David Martin, who loved the creativity, you may contribute to a designated fund in his name by clicking below or by sending a check with 'David Martin Fund' on the memo line to EPEF at PO Box 4444, Estes Park, CO  80517. 


TUXEDOS FOR CHOIR EPEF provided a grant to the EPHS choir for student attire for all to attend their performance of the national anthem at a Nuggets game in March. These tuxedos will be used for future students and concerts.

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