Goals, Objectives, Strategies
EPEF Goals
10 Year Goals 2019-2029 (A broad primary outcome for achieving EPEF's Mission and Vision):
Goal 1: EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.
Goal 2: Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.
Goal 3: Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.
Goal 4: Partnering with EPSD and other community entities, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
Goal 5: Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
5 year Goals: 2019-2029
Goal 1: EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.
Policies and organizational forms are allowing smooth operation of the organization such that less than 5% of the time is necessary to amend or create anew.
The call for Director applicants generates enough responses to provide a pool for selection greater than what is required for the need.
EPEF has conducted at least two self-studies to improve functioning.
EPEF has reviewed Bylaws and policies at least once.
Databases have been established for potential Directors and volunteers.
Surveys of the community show that people are aware of and supportive of EPEF and its mission and vision.
Goal 2: Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.
The EPEF has been accredited as a charity by the BBB for the last four years.
One of EPEF’s Directors has financial management experience and expertise.
100 donors are participating in regular, automated deductions.
Endowment funds are being built.
Goal 3: Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.
There are two annual fundraising and community-building events, such as Pumpkins & Pilsners, and two annual donor-based fundraising events, one per quarter.
EPEF has secured annual grants for funding for the last four years.
Goal 4: Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students and teachers/staff – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
All requests for approved funding are being met, partially or in whole.
Community involvement with student learning has increased by 50% from 2019-2020 levels.
Goal 5: Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
Surveys of teachers and staff show that they feel the EPEF is supportive of their efforts.
1 year Goals: 2019-2020
Goal 1: EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.
Obtain laptops for all Directors on the Executive Committee for EPEF business.
Get all Directors on Google for Nonprofits emails for EPEF business.
Establish a policy for email use and administration.
Develop a budget to advance the Board approved goals.
Develop an organizational calendar.
The Marketing and Communication Committee maintains the EPEF website and social media to update news and accomplishments.
Increase community awareness of EPEF.
Develop databases for potential Directors and volunteers, including participating in EPNRC’s EstesVolunteers.org.
15 people apply to be a Director for 2020-2021.
Goal 2: Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.
EPEF obtains BBB Charity Accreditation.
QuickBooks is used to manage donations and expenditures and to provide information for developing a budget.
The Treasurer, Finance Committee, and President develop a budget for the year that advances the approved annual goals.
Establish a means for online contributions.
A Director with financial management expertise joins the Board in 2020-2021.
Goal 3: Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.
Create databases of donors, sponsors, and available grants.
Secure 100 individual donors.
Secure 25 business sponsors.
Establish at least two fundraising drives for the year – one community-building/fundraising event (Pumpkins & Pilsners) and one donor-based drive.
Goal 4: Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
Participate in EPNRC opportunities for training and exposure.
Provide financial support to students in need.
Increase the number of community businesses that involve students in internships and other training.
Establish at least one scholarship of $500 for graduates pursuing post-secondary education.
Define a procedure for Youth In Action involvement with EPEF.
Goal 5: Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.
Provide support - at least partial support - to approved teacher grant requests.
Approved: 9-11-19