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Goals, Objectives, Strategies


EPEF Goals


10 Year Goals 2019-2029 (A broad primary outcome for achieving EPEF's Mission and Vision):  

  • Goal 1:  EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.

  • Goal 2:  Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.

  • Goal 3:  Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.

  • Goal 4:  Partnering with EPSD and other community entities, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.

  • Goal 5:  Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.


5 year Goals:  2019-2029

  • Goal 1:  EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • Policies and organizational forms are allowing smooth operation of the organization such that less than 5% of the time is necessary to amend or create anew.

      • The call for Director applicants generates enough responses to provide a pool for selection greater than what is required for the need.

      • EPEF has conducted at least two self-studies to improve functioning.

      • EPEF has reviewed Bylaws and policies at least once.

      • Databases have been established for potential Directors and volunteers. 

      • Surveys of the community show that people are aware of and supportive of EPEF and its mission and vision.

  • Goal 2:  Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • The EPEF has been accredited as a charity by the BBB for the last four years.

      • One of EPEF’s Directors has financial management experience and expertise. 

      • 100 donors are participating in regular, automated deductions.

      • Endowment funds are being built.

  • Goal 3:  Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • There are two annual fundraising and community-building events, such as Pumpkins & Pilsners, and two annual donor-based fundraising events, one per quarter.

      • EPEF has secured annual grants for funding for the last four years.

  • Goal 4:  Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students and teachers/staff – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.

    • Objectives:

      • All requests for approved funding are being met, partially or in whole.

      • Community involvement with student learning has increased by 50% from 2019-2020 levels.

  • Goal 5:  Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.

    • Objectives:

      • Surveys of teachers and staff show that they feel the EPEF is supportive of their efforts.


1 year Goals:  2019-2020

  • Goal 1:  EPEF’s administrative structure operates efficiently to meet the needs of the organization to advance its mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • Obtain laptops for all Directors on the Executive Committee for EPEF business.

      • Get all Directors on Google for Nonprofits emails for EPEF business.

      • Establish a policy for email use and administration.

      • Develop a budget to advance the Board approved goals.

      • Develop an organizational calendar.

      • The Marketing and Communication Committee maintains the EPEF website and social media to update news and accomplishments.

      • Increase community awareness of EPEF.

      • Develop databases for potential Directors and volunteers, including participating in EPNRC’s

      • 15 people apply to be a Director for 2020-2021.

  • Goal 2:  Sound financial management and good stewardship have garnered the trust of donors, allowing EPEF to have the sustained funding needed to advance its mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • EPEF obtains BBB Charity Accreditation. 

      • QuickBooks is used to manage donations and expenditures and to provide information for developing a budget.

      • The Treasurer, Finance Committee, and President develop a budget for the year that advances the approved annual goals.

      • Establish a means for online contributions.

      • A Director with financial management expertise joins the Board in 2020-2021.

  • Goal 3:  Fundraising, via events, grants, and a strong donor base, provides the needed money to achieve EPEF’s mission and vision.

    • Objectives:

      • Create databases of donors, sponsors, and available grants.

      • Secure 100 individual donors.

      • Secure 25 business sponsors.

      • Establish at least two fundraising drives for the year – one community-building/fundraising event (Pumpkins & Pilsners) and one donor-based drive.  

  • Goal 4:  Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the students – both financially and in direct interactions - by provide the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.

    • Objectives:

      • Participate in EPNRC opportunities for training and exposure.

      • Provide financial support to students in need.

      • Increase the number of community businesses that involve students in internships and other training.  

      • Establish at least one scholarship of $500 for graduates pursuing post-secondary education.

      • Define a procedure for Youth In Action involvement with EPEF.

  • Goal 5:  Partnering with EPSD and other nonprofits, our diverse community is working together to actively support the teachers and district staff – both financially and in direct interactions – to assure that they have what is needed teach in our district and create the learning experiences needed for students to be thriving, successful, responsible citizens.

    • Objectives:

      • Provide support - at least partial support - to approved teacher grant requests.


Approved:  9-11-19

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Estes Park Education Foundation 

P.O. Box 4444

Estes Park, CO 80517 

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