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Guiding Principles

  • The purpose of the Guiding Principles of the Estes Park Education Foundation (EPEF) is to define how we will treat each other as we work together and make decisions to achieve the EPEF Mission and Vision.

  • Respect and civility are of the utmost importance in providing the psychological safety needed to have a productive work environment.

  • They are necessary for the EPEF to achieve its Mission and Vision.

  • All people working on behalf of the EPEF need to be the models of how we want our students to behave and solve problems.  

The Guiding Principles are based upon 3 basic tenets:  
  • Do what's right.
  • Do your best.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated.

What it is: 

  • The purpose of the Guiding Principles of the Estes Park Education Foundation (EPEF) is to define how we will treat each other as we work together and make decisions to achieve the EPEF Mission and Vision. 

  • The Guiding Principles will form the “standard operating procedure” (SOP) for the EPEF and how we will behave among ourselves, with supporters, and with other parties.


Why it's important: 

  • Respect and civility are of the utmost importance in providing the psychological safety needed to have a productive work environment.

  • They are necessary for the EPEF is to achieve its Mission and Vision.

  • All people working on behalf of the EPEF need to be the models of how we want our students to behave and solve problems.


What it entails: 

  • The Directors, employees, committee members, volunteers, and affiliates are expected to abide by the Guiding Principles and will be held accountable.

  • The Guiding Principles to which the Foundation aspires are based upon three basic statements:

    • Do what’s right.

      • Be knowledgeable of and abide by the Foundation’s Mission, Vision, Bylaws, Code of Conduct, policies, and legal and fiduciary requirements.

      • Behave ethically, modeling standards for ethical conduct in all areas of our work.

      • Be truthful.

      • Be fair.

      • Have integrity.

      • Accept responsibility for one’s behavior.

      • Be transparent (within the boundaries of the Bylaws and policies) by regularly sharing key information with each other and our stakeholders.

      • Actively oppose unethical behaviors by creating positive working relationships in which ethical questions can be raised and addressed.

    • Do your best.

      • Be always mindful of basing decisions and actions on their alignment with and advancement of the EPEF’s Mission and Vision.

      • Assume individual and collective responsibility for work that demonstrates high quality.

      • Be prepared and on time.

      • Provide your best thinking - making positive contributions at meetings, offering comments that are helpful, relevant, and respectful.

      • Embrace diversity and the power it conveys to the best solutions to problems.

      • Recognize assumptions and opinions, but rely on facts and evidence for decisions.

      • Work to correct misinformation.

      • Honestly assess decisions and decision-making processes.

      • Systematically collect and use feedback to improve our work.

      • Protect the reputation of the EPEF.

    • Treat others as you want to be treated.

      • Treat all people with dignity, respect, and civility.

      • Collaborate.

      • Listen – seek first to understand then be understood.

      • Show kindness and compassion.

      • If someone strays from these expected behaviors, gently remind them of our commitment to each other to guide them back on track.

  • Each year, all directors and employees will sign a commitment to our guiding principles.

  • If someone should stray from our guiding principles and the behavior is not extinguished, the person can be asked to leave the EPEF.





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Estes Park Education Foundation 

P.O. Box 4444

Estes Park, CO 80517 

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